Local SEO Management
Contact Us to Get Started!Local Search Engine Optimization
At Ceemi Agency in Long Beach, CA we offer expert localized SEO Management for your website that drives local-based sale leads.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website from search engines like Google. The goal is to boost your ranking on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) when a relevant keyword search is performed.
What is a Keyword?
A keyword is a word or phrase that is placed in the search bar to conduct a search on Google or other search engines. A keyword can be broad, like “shoes” or it can be very specific (also called long-tail keywords) like “custom Nike Air Jordan 5 black and white for sale near me.”
Paid Search (PPC):
While not technically “SEO”, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a “fast-pass” to being positioned at the top of the SERP. As you might guess, it costs money and time to be successful with PPC, which you can learn about here. Long story short, you are bidding for the rights to a top position on the search results page for your chosen keywords, and you pay each time your ad is clicked.
Local Search:
Local SEO is all about increasing search visibility for businesses that serve their communities face-to-face. Search results are prioritized by physical proximity to their users. Google gives priority to results that have a brick and mortar location nearby and sorts them by SEO efforts.
Organic Search:
Google has a “spider” or bot that crawls the internet, gathering all the information it can about every page on the internet. It finishes every two weeks and starts over, constantly sending that information to an algorithm that matches websites to keyword searches based on a number of ranking factors such as:
- Keyword relevance (Is this website relevant to what the user is looking for?)
- Links to your site and their quality (Is this site legitimate?)
- Content quality (Is the content easy to read? Is there enough information?)
- Page load speed (Does this website take too long to load?)
- Mobile-friendliness (Is this website suited for display on mobile devices?)
- On-page optimization (Is the website built correctly from a technical standpoint?)
Google’s main service is their search engine. They want to make sure that users always find what they are looking for, so making sure that your website is relevant to the customers you want to reach is important for a successful SEO strategy. If you maintain a quality website that is relevant to users who search for your business, Google will reward that.
Anatomy of a Search Engine
Paid (PPC)
Local Results (Based on Physical Location)
Organic Results
Factors That Affect Local SEO
Positive Impact
On-Page Optimization
Fast Page-Load Speed
Local Directory Listings
High-Quality Backlinks
Consistent Blog Posts
Active Social Media Accounts
Fresh and Engaging Content
Positive Reviews
Negative Impact
Page Errors and Broken Links
Keyword Stuffing
Slow Page-Load Speed
Duplicate Listings
No SSLLink Farms and Black-Hat SEO
Missing ImagesInactive Website
Poorly Written ContentFake Reviews